CIO Influence

Tag : SlashNext

CIO Influence News Cloud Security

91% of Security and IT Professionals Agree Cybercriminals are Already Using AI in Email Attacks Per Report from SlashNext and Osterman Research

PR Newswire
 SlashNext, the leader in SaaS-based Integrated Cloud Messaging Security across email, web, and mobile,  released a report and whitepaper in partnership with Osterman Research, a...
CIO Influence News Cloud Security

According to SlashNext’s 2023 Mobile BYOD Security Report 71% Of Employees Have Sensitive Work Information on Their Personal Devices; 43% Have Been the Target of Phishing Attacks

CIO Influence News Desk
With 50% of phishing happening outside of email, security leaders express concerns about attacks via private messaging apps SlashNext, the leader in SaaS-based Integrated Cloud Messaging...
CIO Influence News SaaS

SlashNext Launches Email Protection for Microsoft 365 Five Minutes to Complete Email Phishing Protection

Stop 65% More Spear-Phishing, BEC, Legitimate Service Compromise, Rogue Software, Social Engineering, and Other Human Compromise Threats SlashNext, the leader in SaaS-based multi-channel phishing protection...