Acquired Company Bolsters Software as a Service (SaaS) and Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) Position in State and Local Governments Docufree, a leading provider...
Accusoft, a software company specializing in document viewing, processing, and automation technologies for integration into Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions, has launched Document Q&A within its PrizmDoc...
DAC Beachcroft, an international legal business leader, has chosen Intapp Collaboration & Content, provided by Intapp, to elevate knowledge management across the organization. This solution...
AutomatedDocs Transform Small Business Document Management – Unleashing Efficiency and Cost Savings Across Industries Small businesses nationwide are poised to transform their document management processes...
 Swit Technologies (CEO Josh Lee), a Work OS solution provider, announced the launch of Swit Automation as a no-code plug-in that helps automate actions from integrations and...
Suralink, the leader in request list and document management, announced the addition of 24 new API endpoints to facilitate data sharing, reporting, and accelerate integration...
Toshiba Apps Impress Keypoint Intelligence Analysts by Digitizing, Automating & Simplifying Document Management Keypoint Intelligence recognizes Toshiba America Business Solutions’ innovation and commitment to improving business performance...
The Ocrolus Encompass Integration embeds automated document classification, verification and data analysis within the mortgage platform Ocrolus, the leading Human-in-the-Loop document automation platform, today announced the...
Intapp, a leading provider of cloud-based software for the global professional and financial services industries, announced the launch of its OnePlace Collaboration & Content suite, extending Microsoft 365 functionality for the unique needs of professional services firms....
Tata Consultancy Services joins Agiloft‘s global network of contract lifecycle management implementation partners Agiloft, the global standard in no-code contract lifecycle management (CLM), announced the addition...