Strategic data utilization is imperative for companies aiming for sustainable growth and competitiveness in the tech-driven dynamic industry. Among the essential tools driving this data-centric...
In our latest CIO Influence Primer Series, we discuss the latest developments in cloud data integration and how IT leaders embrace the trends to maintain...
WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc., a leading global Hologram Augmented Reality (“AR”) Technology provider, announced the development of an ANN (artificial neural network) based data mining...
Kensu, the data observability company, announced the launch of Fundamentals of Data Observability: Implement Trustworthy End-To-End Data Solutions, published by O’Reilly Media and available for free on...
Internet data continues its rapid pace of growth as more users come online to conduct business transactions, upload personal information, and track economic activity. According...
With the world economy deglobalizing and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic not just changing how people work, but also what motivates employees in their...
Oncology software uniquely streamlines the entire data mining process spanning enterprise-level case assignment, data management, and submission through analytics and insight reporting Q-Centrix, the largest...
The Hippocrates system – an Avant! derivative, will be trained with vast amounts of health-related information, using accredited medical textbooks and health-related data resources GBT Technologies Inc.,...
Project supports Croda’s global Research & Development Digital Program across all R&D locations Dotmatics Ltd, a scientific informatics software and services company that is driving...
The certificate programs are part of a series of tech certificates DeVry has introduced since 2020 With technology and automation dramatically changing the way Americans...