CIO Influence

Tag : Cyberthreat

CIO Influence News Digital Transformation Security

CyberRes Unveils Galaxy, an Interactive Threat Research Experience to further Strengthen Cyber Resilience

CIO Influence News Desk
CyberRes Galaxy provides rapid, tailored critical threat insight to accelerate response time and drive business performance CyberRes, a Micro Focus line of business, today launched...
Automation CIO Influence News Security

FortiGuard Labs Predicts Cyberattacks Aimed at Everything From Crypto Wallets to Satellite Internet

CIO Influence News Desk
Advanced Persistent Cybercrime Techniques Mean More Destructive Ransomware and Supply Chain Attacks Fortinet, a global leader in broad, integrated, and automated cybersecurity solutions, unveiled predictions...
CIO Influence News Networking Security

Consilio Formally Launches Complete Security, a Global Information Security and Data Privacy Framework

CIO Influence News Desk
Global enterprise security framework delivering enhanced privacy and security offerings across Consilio’s integrated services Consilio, a global leader in eDiscovery, document review, risk management, and legal consulting services, announced...
CIO Influence News Cloud Networking Security

Cigent Announces $7.6M Series A Funding Round; In-Q-Tel, CyberJunction, WestWave Capital Participate

CIO Influence News Desk
Funding Enables Commercialization of Cybersecurity Technologies Initially Developed for Government Use Protects Enterprises and Individuals Against Ransomware and Data Theft From Any Threat Vector, Even...