Fastly, Inc, a global edge cloud platform provider, announced the availability of JavaScript in Compute@Edge, allowing developers to build with even more flexibility in Fastly’s...
In its annual survey of software developers, DevOps professionals, IT decision makers, and line of business executives from around the world, International Data Corporation (IDC)...
New customization, flexibility, and visibility features help engineering and operations teams work better together to achieve value faster Transposit, the DevOps process orchestration company, introduced...
Joint Snowflake and Okera customers enjoy even faster data authorization with User Defined Functions (UDFs) written in Java Okera, the Universal Data Authorization company, announced...
Cross-platform innovations highlighted by Vercel and Google to audience of more than 50,000 attendees Vercel, a comprehensive platform for creating unsurpassed web user experiences and...
GrapeCity, a global provider of award-winning enterprise software development tools, announced that its JavaScript spreadsheet solution, SpreadJS, is now offering pivot table support as an... Is To Revolutionise Data Pipeline Agility And Orchestration Further With Enhanced Life-cycle Management And Support For Snowpark And Java Udfs From Snowflake. announced...
Operates primarily in key verticals of banking and insurance, telecom and healthcare and specializes in serving the needs of independent software vendors. WaveMaker, the leading...
Observable Plot accelerates data analysis with faster, iterative, exploratory visualization Observable, the collaborative data visualization company, today launched the beta version of Observable Plot, an open-source JavaScript...