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Search Results for: DevOps teams

Automation CIO Influence News

Cloudify Announces Integration with ServiceNow to Answer DevOps Teams’ Need for Infrastructure Automation

New integration delivers shift-left, agile-first approach to infrastructure provisioning, helping DevOps teams achieve a better balance between control and deployment. Cloudify announced the integration of its...
Automation CIO Influence News Cloud IT and DevOps

Lens 5 Empowers DevOps Teams To Securely Share Kubernetes Clusters With Anyone, Anywhere

CIO Influence News Desk
Lens Version 5 GA Removes The Pain Of Accessing Kubernetes Clusters Mirantis, the open cloud company, announced the general availability of Lens 5 — unlocking...
CIO Influence News Cloud IT and DevOps

Shipa Launches Shipa Cloud To Unburden Developer And DevOps Teams From Growing Kubernetes Complexities

CIO Influence News Desk
The new cloud-managed developer platform accelerates cloud native application development and creates developer autonomy by empowering developers to deploy, manage, and support applications without needing...
CIO Influence News IT and DevOps

CircleCI 2022 State of Software Delivery Reveals Team Structure, DevOps Culture as Leading Indicators of High Performing Engineering Teams

CIO Influence News Desk
Report findings uncover the global pandemic’s impact on developer life, along with performance benchmarks of today’s engineering teams CircleCI, the leading continuous integration and delivery...
Automation CIO Influence News IT and DevOps

2021 State of DevOps Report Finds It’s Not Tech But Culture That Keeps Teams Stuck In The Middle Of Their DevOps Evolution

Supportive Leadership Is Critical Factor In Widespread Success And Evolutionary Improvement In DevOps Puppet, the industry standard for infrastructure automation, releasedthe findings of the 2021 State...