CIO Influence
Technology Wisdom

CIO Influence’s IWD Interview with Katie Popowski, Director, NA Partner Sales, Nasuni

CIO Influence’s IWD Interview with Katie Popowski, Director, NA Partner Sales, Nasuni

Sudipto Ghosh (SG): How important is it to have a mentor to grow as a leader? 

Katie: “Extremely important, this is something I value immensely. My mentors are a great sounding board, inspiration, and backbone of my career. I value their thoughts and input on different situations, career advice, personal advice, etc. It’s important to have multiple mentors. Find a female leader, and a male leader, because the perspective will be different from each. I always encourage women to BE mentors as well. It helps frame your discussions and thoughts.”

SG: What career advice do you have for women in tech/STEM? 

Katie: “You CAN do it all. I am a firm believer that I am a better employee because I am a mother, and I am a better mother because of my career. It makes my time at work more intentional; I am more focused and deliberate on what I spend my time with. I love being an example to my daughter, that you can have a career and still be present with family.”

SG: What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders? 

Katie: “Use your voice and be confident. It can be intimidating to give your thoughts and guidance in a large setting but be confident in your opinions and let them be heard.

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