LogRhythm, the company helping busy and lean security operation teams save the day, introduced its new brand identity. The rebrand is designed to represent the company’s commitment to helping security operations centers close workforce gaps, increase knowledge of new attacks and techniques and navigate an ever-changing threat landscape with confidence. The rebrand is the first of many changes to come in 2022 for LogRhythm, including a fresh visual look, an upcoming cloud-native platform and new outlook that reflects the company’s vision and evolution.

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“The new brand communicates our continued commitment to being cyber advisories and technology allies for our customers and partners by making cybersecurity operations easier and more effective for the people tasked with protecting our families, businesses and global communities,” said Cindy Zhou, chief marketing officer of LogRhythm. “With two decades of experience in cybersecurity, nobody understands the adversary better than LogRhythm. We give our customers the upper hand by proactively identifying threats and the technology to defend against them.”

Visually, the new LogRhythm logo recognizes that the company’s value is not rooted in technology alone, but that it’s both analog and digital; a mix of people, expertise and know-how that allows LogRhythm to best apply technology to customers’ most pressing security concerns and challenges. As a stylized sine wave, the new logo connotes being in rhythm with our customers, colleagues and partners. Perpetually in motion, the wave signals LogRhythm’s commitment to adapting to the ever-changing threat horizon to keep customers protected in the face of uncertainty.

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“The weight of protecting the world rides on the shoulders of cybersecurity operations teams, and it’s a load that LogRhythm helps lighten for our customers,” continued Zhou. “The people who work at LogRhythm are cyber advisory and technology allies to our customers. This brand identity supports our new technology offerings coming in 2022 that align with the mission we have always had: to ensure our customers are ready to defend against today’s top threats.”

A leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for nine consecutive years, LogRhythm brings together the most complete technology to improve security posture. LogRhythm combines a comprehensive and flexible security operations platform, technology partnerships and advisory services to help SOCs close the gaps.

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