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Digitech Systems Recognized as Outstanding Cloud Information Management System

Digitech Systems Recognized as Outstanding Cloud Information Management System

Digitech Systems is pleased to announce that ImageSilo was chosen by analysts at Keypoint Intelligence for a Buyers Lab (BLI) 2024 Pick Award as Outstanding Cloud Information Management System.

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“one of the most full-featured [information management systems] on the market.”

Keypoint Intelligence has been the world’s leading independent product evaluator specializing in the information management and imaging industries for more than 50 years. Keypoint Intelligence analysts and lab technicians performed a thorough evaluation by testing ImageSilo’s capabilities, reliability, and support, and by assessing its strengths against competitive technologies. ImageSilo earned a Platinum rating in the report by the Keypoint Intelligence analysts, who called it “one of the most full-featured [information management systems] on the market.” The analysts also highlighted the easy implementation enabled by lower costs and simpler setup, superb cyber security, and powerful workflow engine that doesn’t require coding.

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“ImageSilo proves to be effective in helping businesses minimize the burdens placed on IT departments, improve overall workflow, and protect sensitive data. The system is flexible enough to pull duty for very small offices and hefty enough to scale all the way up to large enterprises, so organizations looking to streamline document processes while also enhancing document security and compliance should seriously consider ImageSilo.

“…All told, ImageSilo delivers enhanced productivity for document-centric organizations, so knowledge workers will be able to spend more time on customer-facing or revenue-generating activities and less time on wasteful administrative tasks.”

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