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Bright Data: Automate Your Competitive eCommerce Data & Effortlessly Track Skus

Bright Data empowers businesses to make intelligent decisions.

Get accurate insights and automated tracking alerts in real-time with Bright Data’s just launched eCommerce Tracker. The technology tracks multiple eCommerce platforms at the product, category and brand level, identifying problems and seizing opportunities.

Read More About CIO InterviewCIO Influence Interview with Sumeet Arora, Chief Development Officer at ThoughtSpot

With out-of-the-box technology, eCommerce brands can immediately access competitors’ prices for each product, sales estimations and a dozen other metrics for each category by the hour. Get automated alerts for:

  • Product details, Specs, and Images
  • Retail Prices
  • Units Sold
  • Retail Sales Dollars
  • Page Position
  • Item Rank
  • Sponsorship
  • Out of Stocks
  • Promo Tracking
  • New Item Launches
  • Variant Separation Tracking
  • Comparable Timeline Reporting (week, month, or year)
  • Competitive Brands
  • Product Attributes

Latest CIO  Interview : CIO Influence Interview with Nicole Carignan, VP, Strategic Cyber AI, Darktrace

The eCommerce Tracker integrates AI to create a solution for competitive intelligence as part of the Bright Insights suite of products. It is tailored for brands, sellers, retailers, and investors to reduce decision timelines and boost sales trajectories. It is the first and only e-commerce insights platform to integrate the generative artificial intelligence tool.

Bright Data is the industry-leading public web data platform. Fortune 500 companies, academic institutions, non-profits and small businesses rely on Bright Data’s solutions to retrieve and analyze web data in the most efficient, reliable, and flexible way so they can make better and faster business-critical decisions.

Bright Data is the world’s #1 web data platform. Fortune 500 companies, academic institutions, and small businesses all rely on Bright Data’s solutions to retrieve crucial public web data in the most efficient, reliable, and flexible way. With web data, these companies can research, monitor, and analyze data to make better decisions. We believe that making public web data easily accessible is essential to keeping markets openly competitive, benefiting all of us.

Our platform is used worldwide by 20,000+ customers in nearly every industry. Our users love us because we provide them with a cost-effective way to perform fast and stable public web data collection at scale, effortless conversion of unstructured data into structured data, and superior customer experience, while being fully transparent and compliant.

Browse The Complete Interview About CIO : CIO Influence Interview with Petri Kuivala, CISO Advisor at Hoxhunt

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