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Rimini Street Statement on Recent Oracle Litigation Activity

Rimini Street Statement on Recent Oracle Litigation Activity

Rimini Street, Inc., a global provider of enterprise software products and services, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle and SAP software products and a Salesforce partner, issued the following statement in reference to recent activity in its long-running, eleven year litigation with Oracle:

“Yesterday, the U.S. Federal Court issued its findings and order following an evidentiary hearing in September 2021 on its Order to Show Cause. The matter was related to the permanent injunction that has been in place since 2018. The permanent injunction defines the manner in which Rimini Street can provide support services for certain Oracle product lines but does not prohibit support of any Oracle products.

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Despite extensive discovery by Oracle that commenced over two years ago and included millions of pages of documents, only ten (10) items were ultimately before the Court in the evidentiary hearing.

In its findings and order from the hearing, the Court ruled in favor of Rimini Street on five (5) items. With respect to the other five (5) items, the Court found the Company violated the permanent injunction, awarded sanctions of $630,000 and ordered that certain computer files be quarantined from use. Oracle may also recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees.

While Rimini Street respects and takes court orders and the law very seriously and strives to comply with both, we respectfully disagree with many of the Court’s findings. Rimini Street is evaluating its options and considering potential next steps, which could include an appeal to the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Rimini Street is also looking forward to litigating the matters in the lawsuit brought by Rimini Street against Oracle in 2014, including our claim that Oracle has engaged in illegal anticompetitive conduct.”

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