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DH2i Launches DxEnterprise Container Sidecar

DH2i Launches DxEnterprise Container Sidecar

DxE v22 Enables Application-Level High Availability Clustering for Stateful Containers in Kubernetes (K8s)

DH2i the leading provider of always-secure and always-on IT infrastructure solutions, announced the general availability (GA) launch of DxEnterprise (DxE) version 22 (v22) featuring a new container sidecar to enable application-level high availability (HA) clustering for stateful containers in Kubernetes (K8s).

Today, Kubernetes is one of the world’s leading open-source systems for automating deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications. The DxE v22 sidecar delivers a separate container that can run alongside an application container in a Kubernetes pod. For database architects and developers the DxE sidecar delivers three key deployment benefits:

  1. Isolation: The primary application can run independently in one container while the DxE sidecar hosts complementary HA clustering services. This independence can help isolate failures.
  2. Quick deployment: It’s easy to deploy a DxE sidecar container — certainly easier to build and maintain than a combined primary application/DxE container image.
  3. Scalability: Once you have the DxE sidecar containers in place, it’s easy to scale up to support as many pods as needed.

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“With the DxE v22 sidecar, database architects and developers can enhance and extend the functionality of their K8s environment. For instance, the DxE sidecar enables users to create highly resilient Zero downtime application-level clusters that span K8 pods,” said Don Boxley, CEO and Co-Founder, DH2i. “In addition, the DxE sidecar uniquely provides smart HA clustering services to the application container(s) necessary for mission-critical applications.”

Boxley added, “In addition, for medium and large organizations running SQL Server, database-level HA has traditionally been provided by SQL Server Availability Groups. However, SQL Server AGs have not been supported in Kubernetes until recently—hindering organizations’ ability to undergo digital transformations. DxEnterprise support for containers is the answer to the problem.”

DxEnterprise support for containers accelerates an enterprise’s digital transformation by speeding the adoption of highly available stateful containers. DxEnterprise  provides SQL Server Availability Group (AG) support for SQL Server containers, including for Kubernetes clusters. It enables customers to deploy stateful containers to create new and innovative applications while also improving operations with near-zero RTO to more efficiently deliver better products and services at a lower cost. Additionally, it helps organizations generate new revenue streams by enabling them to build distributed Kubernetes AG clusters across availability zones/regions, resulting in hybrid cloud and multi-cloud environments which can rapidly adapt to changes in market conditions and consumer preferences.

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For those attending this week’s 2022 PASS Data Community Summit, taking place at the Seattle Convention Center, November 15-18, please visit the DH2i Booth 119.

In addition, please join Jeff Estes, Senior Director, Systems Engineering, Software AG Government Solutions for his 2022 PASS Data Community Summit presentation:

Deploying SQL Server AGs in EKS for Secure Federal Government Cloud Services
November 166:45 am – 7:55 am; Room 608-609

The use of containers in the Federal Government is exploding as it looks for better ways to improve the performance, scalability, and portability of their applications in secure cloud environments. Despite the promise of containers, deploying SQL Server AGs in Kubernetes remains a hurdle that organizations struggle to overcome. Join Jeff Estes of Software AG Government Solutions for breakfast to learn how he used DH2i’s DxEnterprise to jump the hurdle and deploy highly available SQL Server Availability Groups (AGs) in EKS certified for FedRAMP.

Last week on November 8, Software AG Government Solutions and DH2i announced it had partnered to deliver certified FedRAMP solutions for secure federal government cloud services.

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