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Coherent Digital Processes Wondershare Launches PDFelement 8.1.4 Integrates Handwritten Signatures

Coherent Digital Processes – Wondershare Launches PDFelement 8.1.4 - Integrates Handwritten Signatures to Sign PDF and Modernize Document Workflows
Wondershare PDFelement already provides users with several ways to sign PDF to enhance digital document workflows; it now supports handwritten signature, digital signature, and stamp options.

Wondershare PDFelement is committed to advancing document-centric transactions in the modern age of business, and one of its key goals is to make digital and electronic ways to sign PDF an integral part of existing workflows, and with minimal disruption. The original features for applying digital signatures and stamps to sign PDFs are now complemented by a handwritten signature function. Whether an employee or business owner is working from home or collaborating across multiple locations, PDFelement allows them to remotely sign contracts and agreements without having to drastically change their existing workflows. The added benefit is an eventual transition to a paperless environment that is both more sustainable and more affordable.

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“Digital workflows play a significant role in increasing process efficiency by enabling companies to offer value-enriched services with greater speed and agility”

“Digital workflows play a significant role in increasing process efficiency by enabling companies to offer value-enriched services with greater speed and agility,” said Gary C., Wondershare PDFelement’s Product Manager. “Handwritten signatures are an integral part of this workflow enhancement, which is why we introduced the feature in the new PDFelement version.”

Along with traditional “wet ink signatures”, electronic signatures and digital signatures are both legally binding methods to sign PDFs and other document types. Most countries have federal and/or state laws pertaining to the legality of such signatures and their enforceability. In addition, handwritten signatures applied to a digital document electronically are equally enforceable in a large majority of courts of law around the world.

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