CIO Influence

Category : AIOps

AIOps is an acronym for Artificial Intelligence Operations. Gartner introduced the term ‘AIOps” in 2016 to distinguish machine learning algorithms specifically used in IT analytics and Operations management. 

AIOps involves innovative AI ML applications such as NLP and deep learning, deployed to revolutionize IT service management and operational workflows. AIOps teams achieve several key objectives in IT by applying big data, analytics, and machine learning.

First, it aggregates and processes gigantic volumes of data from various IT infrastructure components, application demands, performance-monitoring tools, and service ticketing systems. Second, it identifies significant events and patterns within this data—for instance, application performance and availability within this noise. Third, AIOps execute fast troubleshooting and recommend swift action against the remedy to IT and DevOps teams, sometimes autonomously resolving problems without human intervention. 

AIOps CIO Influence News Cloud

Pinecone and Datadog Collaborate to Deliver Enterprise-grade Observability and Monitoring to Vector Databases and Generative AI Applications

PR Newswire
Pinecone, the vector database company providing long-term memory for AI, announced an integration with Datadog, Inc.,  the monitoring and security platform for cloud applications. Responding to exploding demand from enterprise...
AIOps CIO Influence News IT Ops

HCLSoftware Unleashes New DRYiCE Intelliops Features to Enable Business Excellence With AI at the Forefront

CIO Influence News Desk
Full-stack integrated offering based on artificial intelligence (AI) to facilitate businesses in delivering resilient, predictive, and always-on digital services that adapt to the changing market...
AIOps CIO Influence News Cloud

Rhythm Systems Introduces Ask Patrick: The First AI-Driven Business Coach for Strategy Execution

PR Newswire
Rhythm Systems, a renowned provider of cloud-based strategy execution software, has unveiled Ask Patrick, a ground-breaking AI designed to bring business strategy and execution results like never before. Talk Business...