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Gartner Identifies Six Technologies to Drive New Customer Acquisition and Growth for Digital Marketing

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Gartner Analysts Discuss the Most Influential Technologies and Trends for Digital Marketing During the Virtual Gartner Marketing Symposium/Xpo 2021 Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) are transitioning from a focus on customer retention last year to now looking to new customer acquisition and growth as they navigate into a post-pandemic world, according to Gartner, Inc. As the COVID-19 pandemic led many marketers to shift focus to pure customer retention strategies, it also brought an acceleration to digital transformations for many marketing organizations.

During the Gartner Marketing Symposium/Xpo, being held virtually through Thursday, Gartner analysts discussed technologies from this year’s Gartner Hype Cycle for Digital Marketing (see Figure 1) that are having the most significant impact on marketers and their ability to dive new customer acquisition and growth.

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“The past year required moves toward embracing digital commerce, and marketing analytics has given marketers a newfound resiliency they lacked prior to COVID-19,” said Mike McGuire, vice president analyst in the Gartner’s Marketing practice, during his Gartner Marketing Symposium/Xpo session on the Hype Cycle. “This resiliency puts a spotlight on many maturing technologies and techniques, such as mobile marketing analytics, multichannel marketing hubs and social analytics. Technologies with longer times to plateau – like artificial intelligence (AI) for marketing – will likely remain protected in marketing budgets given their long-term importance and incremental value they will deliver over the midterm.”

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