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Metawave Selects Analog Devices’ Beamforming Technology for Turbo 5G Repeater to Expand Radio Coverage

Metawave Selects Analog Devices’ Beamforming Technology for Turbo 5G Repeater to Expand Radio Coverage
TURBO repeater poised to expand radio coverage and decrease deployment time and cost beyond today’s offerings

Metawave announced that its TURBO 5G repeater is the first platform of its kind to use Analog Devices’ ADMV4828 beamforming chipset. This enables Metawave’s TURBO platform to reach an overall system gain that is unattainable with competing technologies.

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“We’ve demonstrated extremely high range gains with our advanced TURBO repeater since integrating with the Analog Devices ADMV4828 chipset”

Metawave is now licensing TURBO steerable beamforming front-end modules, enabling 5G companies to immediately and affordably expand their offerings to include fully-calibrated and integrated dual-polarized antenna arrays.

“5GmmW is an exciting and necessary next step in the evolution of the communications market,” said Kerem Ok, RF Product Line Director at Analog Devices. “We are encouraged to see continuous development from Metawave in offering a versatile platform with most notably very high range leveraging our ADMV4828 beamforming chipset.”

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Millimeter-wave (mmWave) signals provide extremely high bandwidth and propagate shorter distances due to higher losses making it extremely challenging to rollout 5G networks efficiently. Organizations need to install more radios or supplement the deployment with cost-effective repeaters to ensure constant connection. Metawave offers its passive KLONE reflectors, for indoor and outdoor use, which provide a license-free, no power solution to extend 5G. Metawave’s TURBO repeater is for outdoor use, and offers a low power, lightweight, small footprint, and affordable alternative to installing high volumes of radios. Even more attractive, Metawave’s TURBO all-analog repeater delivers unmatched range extension and data throughput increase with its 100+ dB overall gain and near-zero signal distortion to accommodate higher modulations.

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