CIO Influence

Category : Security

Information Technology (IT) security encompasses the strategies, tools, and personnel safeguarding an organization’s digital assets. Its primary objective is to shield these assets, devices, and services from disruption, theft, or exploitation by unauthorized individuals or entities, commonly called threat actors. These threats may originate externally or internally, ranging from malicious to accidental. IT security addresses a wider field compared to the acronym in cybersecurity, often confused as synonymous. On the other hand, while cybersecurity is quite focused on protecting an organization against digital threats such as ransomware, malware, and phishing scams, IT security extends its coverage to the whole tech infrastructure. From software applications to hardware systems and endpoint devices like laptops and mobile phones, all of this is protected from threats. Further, IT security is pivotal in securing the company’s network and its myriad elements, from physical data centers to cloud-based ones.

CIO Influence News CIO insights Cloud Data Management Digital Transformation Featured IT and DevOps Machine Learning Security

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